Public Transportation Expert Ned Einstein
Expert in 650+ transit lawsuits, specializing in crossing, boarding and alighting, wheelchair securement, and cases with vulnerable populations.
For Lawyers of Plaintiffs
Transportation Alternatives strives to explore the depth and range of negligent errors and omissions directly related to, and within the technical and legal environment of, the incident or accident, and place the blame for them as high within the policy-making, management and supervisory hierarchy as is appropriate and possible.
For Lawyers of Defendants
Transportation Alternatives specializes in identifying factors which characterize claims as frivolous, integrating implications of case law precedents into favorable facts, providing grounds for dismissal, clarifying (and articulating in simple terms) issues of proximate cause, and explaining events and their consequences within the context of reasonable and common industry standards, practices and regulations.
Expert Services, Concepts & Approaches
Keeping It Simple
Set loose a real expert, and most cases can be reduced to a tic-tac-toe game.
Safety Compromises
Causation of half of all public transportation accidents.
Calls to Action
Extracting the maximum precedent value from facts.
Uber & Lyft
Among the nation’s largest deep pocket criminal enterprises.
Getting Students Back to School During COVID-19
Close Up Radio Spotlight
with Transportation Expert Ned Einstein
With More Than 40 Years Experience in Public Transportation, Ned Einstein Has Served as an Expert Witness in More Than 650 Lawsuits, for Both Plaintiffs and Defendants, Including:
New and Growing Incident Scenarios with Big Damages.
Uber & Lyft
Part of the Largest Criminal Enterprise this country has ever seen. They make much of their money stealing and selling the personal information of their passengers – and everyone in their passengers’ social media networks. These companies cannot afford to go to trial – and have someone like myself explain what they’re doing.
NEMT Service
Motivcare and Veyo: Stealing Hundreds of Billions a year from our Healthcare System. All those wheelchair tipovers don’t happen for no reason. Don’t file only against the pawns in whose vehicles they occur. File against those in charge who cannot afford to go to trial – and have someone like me explain what they’re doing. DON’T LEAVE MONEY ON THE TABLE.
Safety Compromises
Half of all public transportation incidents are the result of deliberate compromises of passenger, pedestrian and public safety in return for other trade-offs. Learn more:
Cases by type of service
Click on the mode of transportation to display cases Mr. Einstein performed on each mode.
Not Only An Expert Witness, But A Passenger Transportation Safety Consultant.
Mr. Einstein designed fixed route, demand-responsive and hybrid transportation systems, conducted planning studies, prepared transportation plans, designed routes, schedules and maps, and for 10 years, directed the operations of his own 70-vehicle transportation system for disabled passengers.
Latest Articles : Thought Leadership on Current Trends within the Transportation Industry
Fare Collection Folly, Waste and Stupidity
In the March, 2020 installment of National Bus Trader, I
New Opportunities for Increased Motorcoach Usage in Transit Service
New Opportunities for Increased Motorcoach Usage in Transit Service Just
Puzzling Circumstances and Limited Information
If your motorcoach is involved in a serious accident, the
Motorcoaches and Climate Change
Even while roughly 18 feet of Iceland melt every year,
Small Contributions to Major Concerns
Freedom. The superficiality America promotes itself to have around the
Danger Signs Ahead for U.S. Transit and Motorcoach Sectors, Part 2
In Part 1 of this two-installment series, I cited numbers
Testimony, Consulting & Mediation
Mr. Einstein served as an expert witness in nearly 700 lawsuits involving every mode of passenger transportation (and an occasional car or truck case). These include more than 150 involving crossing cases, 180 about boarding and alighting, 150 involving wheelchair and/or passenger securement, and almost every scenario imaginable (see Common Incident and Accident Scenarios).
Mr. Einstein specializes in cases involving elderly and disabled passengers and children. And he works on “both sides of the table.” He has served on several class action lawsuits and labor relations cases – and considers himself the leading expert in filing for injunctive relief, and the most creative and aggressive expert in identifying codefendants and (on the plaintiffs’ side) extracting the most in verdicts and settlements – often from codefendants many or most attorneys do not even know are involved (and often parties in charge). And particularly in cases involving door-to-door or curb-to-curb transportation, he has no equal, and specializes in defending contractors where the “lead agencies” have engaged brokers – all phonies, all ignorant, and many outright thieves.
Video Library
A Video Summary of Mr. Einstein’s Career Achievements, Experiences, and Key Principles he Employs as an Expert Witness
Transportation Alternatives
41 Hickory Hill Drive
Warwick, NY 10990